Jadi, apa yang korang tahu tentang kejadian pada 19 Mac 2011 neh? .. kalu tak tahu mari kita berkongsi maklumat eaa...
Tapi, apa yang pentingnya?? ~ Haaa.... i have the answers...
Graviti bulan dan matahari memainkan peranan dalam pasang surut air laut, dan perkara ini sangat penting kpd bumi. Namun, jika bulan terlalu hampir dgn bumi, Tarikan Graviti bulan ke bumi akan bertambah dan ini dapat menjadi punca kpda bencana-bencana alam yang mungkin terjadi.
Anda cuba bca petikan ini dahulu :
A lunar perigee can't match a SuperMoon in terms of tide-raising power, and won't even measure up to an ordinary new or full moon in that respect. These factors, after all, combine Sun, Moon and Earth in alignment (with the added element of lunar perigee included in the case of a SuperMoon). Lunar perigee on the other hand is only a particular class of Earth-Moon alignment. But consider the calamitous January 25, 1999 Colombian earthquake, which struck at 6:19 PM UT on that date – within 30 hours of the January 26 lunar perigee. Coincidence? Perhaps one of many. Such as, for example, the 6.4 Richter that rocked the Loyalty Islands region on February 22; the 6.8 that struck Andreanof Island in the Aleutians on March 20; the 5.6 that hit Hawaii on April 17 (the same day Richter 5.0 quakes struck southern Xinjiang China and the central Mediterranean Sea); the 7.0 temblor that shook up the New Britain region of Papua New Guinea May 14, followed by a 5.1 in the same area on June 13; the 6.6 quake that hit Honduras on July 11 (followed 13 hours later by a 5.8 quake in Pakistan); the 5.0 quake that messed with Mindanao August 8, reprised at 5.3 in the very same place during the very next lunar perigee period (September 1); the Richter 5+ quakes that struck Taiwan, southern Sumatra and Halmahera (both in Indonesia) September 27, followed the next day by a 6.1-magnitude temblor in the Komandorsky Islands region (one of nine Richter 5+ quakes recorded within 30 hours of the September 28 perigee); and the quintet of Richter 5+ quakes logged within 30 hours of the October 26 perigee (including a 5.6 at North Island, New Zealand) - and these comprise only a partial seismicity catalog for a single year.
Anda dpt maklumatnya? smua ini adlah contoh2 kpd perkara buruk yg mungkin trjadi..
sbgai cntoh, pda 26 Dis 2004 gempa bumi 9.9 pda skala Richter tlah brlaku di Acheh, sumatra utara dn trjadinya tsunami yg mngorbankan beratus ribu nyawa mnusia. Apa yg mnarik, bencana ini berlaku 2 minggu sblum ' Lunar perigee ' trjadi iaitu pda 10 Jan 2005.
Kebanyakkan bencana ini membabitkan gempa bumi dan tsunami , namun ia juga mungkin dpt mgakibatkan ketidakstabilan mantel dlm kerak bumi dan mgkin dpt mencetuskan letupan gunung berapi, air pasang besar juga berkemungkinan berlaku disebabkan graviti yg kuat.
Breaking News: pada 11 Mac 2011 , sesuatu tlah trjadi di Jepun. Gempa berukuran 8.9 skala richter brlaku di Pantai Timur Honshu , Jepun. Gempa ini mgakibatkan berlakunya tsunami stinggi 10-meter dn bnyak kerosakn tlah berlaku. untuk melihat gmbar2 kesan gmpa dn tsunami klik sini . Dan yg pling aneh, gempa ini berlaku seminggu sblum 19 Mac 2011... adkah ini stu kbetulan? .. selain itu, di Hawaii beberapa gegaran dicatatkan begitu juga di China. Semua ini mgkin mmpnyai kaitan dgn 19 Mac...
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jalan raya kat jepun lpas gempa bumi 11 mac |
setakat tu sja dlu.. nak tau lebih bnyak search kat pak cik google dgn keyword ' LUNAR PERIGEE '...
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tsunami kat jepun |
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ombak tsunami 11 mac |
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